Our fees are comparable to surrounding communities. Our charges for service including office visits and procedures are based upon the severity and complexity of your injury or illness; as well as the time needed treating you. If you have any questions, please feel free to discuss them with us. We would appreciate your efforts to pay for your medical services as you receive them.
All co-pays are due at the time of service We maintain one account per family with a running total balance due. This account has notations by our office, i.e. dates of service, patient seen, type of service, payments and adjustments made by you or your insurance.
Statements are mailed every 4 weeks. The statement you receive is an exact copy of your account. You will not receive a statement if we are waiting for payment from your insurance company. After insurance pays on that date of service, you will receive a statement. We try to send everything to your insurance company as soon as possible, although your insurance company can take up to 6 weeks to pay on your claim.
Other Questions
Other questions regarding your account should be directed to our Billing Office. Please Notify us upon registration of any insurance or address changes.